Hi. I'm Damola.

I am an ardent Full Stack Developer based in Nigeria, I enjoy solving problems that require creative thinking and produces impactful solutions. When I am not coding. I can be found either playing video games or strength training in the gym

Learn about what I do

Here are some of the technologies I use


From Vanilla JavaScript, React, Nextjs and Gatsby to Express. I use JavaScript and TypeScript to build world class, responsive Web applications


Using ASP.NET, I have built simple, consistent and fast Web APIs


On the web, I use Django for backend development and ScikitLearn and TensorFlow for Data Science


Mobile Development using the Android SDK and Desktop apps using Swing


Cross platform app Development with Flutter.

Some of my recent work can be seen here


CribMD is a Telemedical solutions application that allows doctors and patients to connect over video call and set up house visits as well.

Angular 11, NGXS, AWS, NodeJS, MongoDB


SellerAmplify is a product optimization tool that allows online retailers to improve their product feeds on various shopping channels like Amazon and Google Product.

NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, VueJS, VueX


Guidr is a web application that helps connect hike guides to customers that need their services



A social media network for software developers that allows them to connect



Niyon is a platform for connecting young professionals with mentors in West Africa.


Haus Party

MVP of Mobile app for booking house party tickets and buying drinks. Has location tracking feature to help you find house address of party

Flutter, NodeJS, MongoDB

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